What NOT to put in your CV?

man with a beard looking over papers

Personal Information:

Avoid including unnecessary personal details such as age, marital status, or social security number. In many countries, these details are not relevant to job applications and can lead to potential biases.

Irrelevant Hobbies or Interests:

While showcasing personal interests can add personality to your CV, avoid including hobbies or activities that are not relevant to the job. Stick to hobbies that demonstrate skills or characteristics that align with the position.

Unprofessional Email Addresses:

Ensure your contact information is professional, especially your email address. Avoid using quirky or inappropriate email addresses. Opt for a simple and straightforward address that includes your name.

Generic Job Responsibilities:

Refrain from listing generic job responsibilities without highlighting your achievements or contributions. Instead, focus on quantifiable accomplishments that showcase your impact in previous roles.

Negative Language:

Avoid using negative language or providing reasons for leaving previous jobs on your CV. Keep the tone positive and focus on the skills and experiences that make you a strong candidate.

Remember, a CV is a professional document designed to highlight your qualifications and suitability for a job. Keep it concise, relevant, and focused on what will make you stand out as a valuable candidate.